The Leading Virtually Digest, June 2, 2008

What: article about doing business in geographically dispersed virtual teams (also see: accompanying slide show).
Posts to which it is related: Implicit Communication and Culture: What it means for leading virtual teams; Culture Matters in Virtual Teams.
Bottom Line: The author has a consulting business that helps companies manage IT-focused virtual teams that are globally dispersed. He points out that there is a lot of buzz about the benefits of virtual teams, but that those benefits might not be as easy to achieve as it sometimes seems. He points out that cross-cultural virtual team management requires skills not many people have learned or practiced.

What: A flurry of articles have come out recently about telecommuting (see an AFP article, an daily update, a Reuters article, and a USA Today article)
Posts to which it is related: Improving Virtual Team Leadership Using Technology, Virtual Teams – Beneficial or Detrimental?
Bottom Line: With gas prices rising painfully, everyone seems to be talking about telecommuting as an increasingly strong possibility for many workers in the US. Telecommuting also might help to alleviate time wasted in traffic or on a commute. One important fact – only about 25% of the US workforce have a job that lends itself to telecommuting. Also important, several articles raise some of the potential problems with telecommuting, though it seems to be fashionable to suggest it as a solution to gas prices.

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